How many days have I got left?

Wasting my life away, one day at a time...

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Those pesky mints!

Things that annoy me

Starbucks-I know it's probably a little bit hypocritical for me to mention this one seeing as I do get dragged in there sometimes, but everything there is just so bloody expensive! I made the mistake of buying some mint swirly dream crap chocolate one time, which turned out just to be mint options, and I should add that it was lukewarm. I just don't like the fact that they are completley taking over everywhere

Laxatives in mints-This is just annoying...that stupid little warning in capitals on the back of sugar free mints (I also saw it once on chewing gum). So basically, what they're trying to say is: "eat as much as you like!! Sugar free!! PS. don't eat too much or you'll be stuck on the loo." Laxatives also brings me to another topic. Some people think that laxatives cure diarrhea. This is not the case. If you think someone has "verbal diarrhea" and you want to insult them, don't advise them to take laxatives; you mean something like immodium. People just need to learn about what they are saying before they say it.

Spelling/grammar-I'm not one of those types who will go around and pick faults for no reason. There are a few things that bug me...misplaced commas are annoying, because it just makes the sentence look and sound so wrong. Then again, no commas are also bad. If people just read things before they write them, I think they'd understand why it sounds wrong, or at least I hope they would. Also, I don't like how some people misuse the word "literally" to emphasise stuff or whatever eg. "She was literally crying her heart out!!" What, so her heart was falling out of her chest in a puddle of tears? No. You don't need literally there, get rid of it!! I'm not sounding too good right now, so I'll stop.

Mobile phone ringtones-I feel like, really OLD when I say this, but ringtones are just SO annoying! I never used to be bothered by them but since my brother got a mobile, I'm experiencing the joys of having my own personal ringtone DJ at home. Sorry, WTF is the point on spending £3 on some crappy thing that beeps a bit and makes you look like a complete arse?! And then they have to take it one step further to release this shitty crazy frog song (which was actually an insanity test that has been on the internet for ages) and the song gets to number one in the charts! Really though, why do you need to spend a fortune to have tons of them on your phone? It's like people have forgotten the actual function of mobile phones, and all they're good for now is to blast out horrible peircing sounds on and texting automatic generator things that tell you how compatible you are with Britney Spears.

Plastic surgery on 10 years younger-surely this just defeats the purpose of the whole programme! If you had enough money, you could make yourself look 20 years younger. The way I see it, plastic surgery on a makeover show is cheating. Keep it natural.

Ok, ok, I'm done! Enough moaning from me! There are way more thing that annoy me, but I suppose the ones mentioned above are just little things that I can live with. I really should do an extensive list of all the things I really love to balance, but then I can often write much more when I'm ranting about one thing or another.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

"Oh babe I hope you've got a PHD"

First of all, here are a few pictures from Monday:

Sorry that they're a bit small, but otherwise the frame on my blog messes up. Also, they aren't really that great but most of them had people in.

Oh yeah, and then I made these at the Windows Error Generator

Yeah, I know that is quite sad, but it's a fun website to play around with.

Finally, A quick note on Charlotte Church and her new Pop career:
What the hell is she thinking?! She is a classical singer who likes to act like a rebel without a cause by wearing t-shirts that annoy her mum and now thinks that gives her just cause to thrash her head around a little bit. The song lyrics are so stupid they're actually funny-"I need professional heeeeeeeelp" and, err-

I think I'm gonna need some therapy
Oh babe I hope you've got a PHD
Won't you let me on your leather couch
I've got a lot I need to talk about

Well, I'm sure she really does need professional help, and so do all the people who buy her single.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

School's out

Seeing as I finished my last exam on Friday, I think it's a bit late to do a "WWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW SSSSSKKKKKOOOOOLLLLSSSSS OOOOOOUUUUUTTTTTT 44444444 SSSUUUUMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" type thing. That would also be a lie, because I don't really feel that euphoric about it now. I actually keep thinking I should be doing some work (yes, I've obviously tried to snap myself out of it but no luck so far :] ). All in all though stuff has been quite relaxed but at the same time, not super boring, which is usually the norm for me.

On Sunday I went to see Batman Begins with my mum and brother. My lil' bro and I had one of those stupid rows about something very trivial-where to get the bus from, actually. My argument was that he's a stupid lazy little brat who can't be bothered to walk 5 minutes from the bus stop to the cinema, and things basically escalated from there, which is really a natural occurance when it comes to living with a 12 year old boy. I should have stopped myself and hyperventilated into a paper bag rather than got angry, but hey, nobody's perfect. I'll stop with the details of the argument now, before I out-pathetic myself. Anyway, the film was so damn long that by the end I didn't even remember that there had been a full scale sibling war beforehand. Almost 3 hours (including trailers and crappy adverts) is more than enough time to calm down.

Oh yeah, about the film (I swear, I was getting to that part)-it was pretty good for a comic book action thing, which I usually find terribly boring. The end was a little too drawn out and they could have cut some of it down, but overall, it was an enjoyable film. Batman's funny duck lip got a bit annoying though, especially when he was wearing the mask and that was the only bit of him you could see.
Sorry I couldn't say more. I'm no good at film reviews.

Then, on Monday, I went to Thorpe Park (that's a theme park for all you non-UK people)with a few of my friends. It was the first time I'd been somewhere that I didn't really know well without any adults but everything ran smoothly, despite paranoia ("we've taken the wrong bus!" etc). We all had a really great time, and queues weren't too terrible as it's quite early in the year for the place to be packed with schoolkids. The best part was that there was no "waa, that ride is too scary" business, and we all got to do what we wanted and got soaked. My friend made the mistake of wearing a white top, so she had to spend a bit of time with her bag pressed against her chest after desperatley trying to dry it under the toilet hand dryer. I took some pictures so I might post a few when I bother to upload them.

Anyway, I know what you're thinking. 10 loop rollercoaters AND the cinema with my brother, all in 2 days? There's no doubt that I must be the bravest girl on here.

This has been the longest blog entry that I've made in a while, and now that I've got lots of free time I'll probably update more often. So everyone who can't get enough of my blog should be happy. That should cater for everyone-I mean, do waffle-haters even exist?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I shouldn't be here

I told myself that I wouldn't post anything until I'd finished my textiles exam tomorrow, because I'd have absolutley nothing to talk about. But then I got really, really bored, so here I am. I have been experiencing quite uncontrollable mood swings recently, so that might be why I suddenly got the urge to post on a blog which really is the icing on the cake when it comes to how lame everything is. Everything with me, I mean, so none of you other bloggers should be taking that personally.

My dad thinks that I have forgiven him, but really, I just don't have the energy to be angry anymore. Have you ever felt that way? Like you truly cannot be bothered with being upset anymore? I think it's working out to be a pretty crappy tactic, and of course, I am still very much angry, just giving off the impression that I'm just FINE, FINE, FINE. Naturally, when people ask me how I am, I only say "fine" once. I wouldn't want to come across overly sarcastic now, would I?

I think I must be "implosive" angry type. Like a cashier in a shop, who takes abuse from "explosive" angry customers, day after day and remains quiet, until she finally shoots everyone in the store. Or equivalent. It doesn't quite work like that though, I guess. I'm sure my brother is both implosive and explosive both at once.

Well, I think that's all for now kiddos. I'd better go outside, eat some watermelon and fool myself into thinking that nice weather can solve all your problems.

Monday, June 20, 2005



I am boiling......



Sorry about that, minor explosion. I am just feeling very frustrated right now. And yeah, there is a lack of writing talent goin' on. Is my blog turning into a LiveJournal???

Friday, June 10, 2005

"My mother never did see the irony in calling me a son of a bitch."

The above quote rules. It just makes me wish I was a boy with an abusive mother, and then I could get her to call me a son of a bitch, and laugh for hours on end about how stupid she is.

I had my last English exam today, and hopefully the last exam I will have to write madly in. For one of the sections I had to write an informative letter about what changes could be made to my school...wasn't hard really. Infact, I could have gone on for ever. My wrist feels strained, and I've decided that it's the perfect time to update my blog. I must be mad.

Not much has really been going on in my life, apart from exams and revision and staying later than good for me to get my daily television intake. So no evenings being spent drinking however much alcohol like (probably) most of my readers. That I know of, anyway.

So that's it really. What a crap entry, I can't think of anything else to write. I think I need to make the start of my blog posts a bit better. Usually each one is like "wow, havn't written in so long" or "hmm, here I am, writing my blog" or "news just in, I have 2 eyes". Whatever, it's so boring. I've done 4 months of blogging though, and have managed not to let my blog go on a life support machine during a lengthy period of absence. Yay me. My first entry was so spot on though, I love it. I really DO re-read my stuff and remember past mood swings.

Oh no, actually!! I thought of something that really ticks me off. Someone who is reading this, please tell me what is wrong with this sentence:
"Wow, you're from England? I love British accents."
English is NOT the same as British-get it right people.
So here's a little geography lesson. Great Britain is England, Scotland and Wales. The UK is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The British Isles consist of GB (see above), Ireland and numerous small islands now.
A British accent can be any English, Scottish or Welsh accent, ie. places in GREAT BRITAIN. If you mean a British accent, that's fine, but most people mean English, and say British. People sometimes refer to "British English" as just accents and dialects from England (as explained in this webpage), and technically, this is wrong. If you do this, please take note of what I'm saying. It's annoying. If you really love "Brit" accents so much, take time to actually realise what they are.

Rrrrrrrrant OVAH.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I love olives

I miss somebody right now.
I watch more tv than I used to.
I love olives.
I love sleeping.
I own lots of books.
I am supposed to wear glasses or contact lenses.
I love to play video games.
I’ve tried weed.
I’ve watched porn. - unless, like, flicking onto some XXXTV channel by mistake at a friends house counts as watching...
I believe honesty is the best policy.
I swear frequently.
I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
I have a hobby.
I’ve been told I have a nice butt.
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I've never broken anyone else's bones.
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.-what, no plurals?
I like rain.
I’m paranoid at times
.-change that to "most of the time"
I need money right now.-'want' and 'need' are basically the same thing. So.
I love sushi.
I talk really, really fast sometimes.
I have fresh breath in the morning.
I have short hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
I was born in a country outside of the U.S
.-thank God =P
I shave my legs.
I have a twin.
I couldn’t survive without Caller I.D.
I like the way I look.
I have lied to a good friend in the past 6 months.
I know how to do cornrows.
I have mood swings.
I think prostitution should be legalized
.-ahem, it's already legalised here, as long as you're not soliciting sex on the street. So that question doesn't really apply, so I'm bolding it just because it's been legalised.
I think Britney Spears is hot.
I have a hidden talent.
I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
I think that I’m popular.
I am currently single.-currently?
I have kissed someone of the same sex.
I enjoy talking on the phone.
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop.-reeetail theraaape-y!
I would rather shop than eat.-food shopping gives you the best of both worlds.
I would classify myself as ghetto.
I’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
I’m obsessed with the opposite sex.
I don’t hate anyone.
I’m a pretty good dancer.
I have a cell phone.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the last 6 months.
I have never been in a real relationship before.-*radiates coolness*
I currently have a crush on someone.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I want to have a child in the way future.
I have changed a diaper before.
I’ve had the cops called on me before.
I bite my nails.